More Rescue Animals!
These two will gallop right into your heart!
I love stories with happy endings. One of the reasons I felt inspired to write the Rescue Animal Series is to shed light on a group of people who are extremely generous and dedicated to giving animals a second chance. My family brought home two puppies from SPCA of Amarillo, but our efforts does not come close to the sacrifices of those who care for rescue horses. The work and expense involved is monumental.
Two new releases in the popular Rescue Animal Series are now available in eBook and Print!
Meet Taz!
ISBN-10: 0998810134
ISBN-13: 978-0998810133
Amazon Barnes & Noble KOBO eBook
TAZ & THE BIG FLAPPY THING, Book 5 Rescue Animal Series, is about a registered Hackney who learns about flags and trains to ride in his first parade. Based on actual events, this rescue horse trains for the Veteran’s Day Parade. The flag is not scary any more, but what about the crowds, the strange looking animals called mules, the tap-dancers, and the big floaty things? It is enough to make a well-behaved horse go bonkers. Join Taz as he trains with Stephanie, and then walks the two mile Veteran’s Day parade route through downtown Amarillo.
Beginning vocabulary for emerging readers at 4th grade level, ages 8-10. Includes Fun Fact sections about Veteran’s Day and related information.
Flash is Back
ISBN-10: 0998810150
ISBN-13: 978-0998810157
Amazon Barnes & Noble KOBO eBook
Rescue Animal Series Book 6, FLASH: The Story of Me
In his own words, Flash, tells you about his summer. This beautifully spotted Tennessee Walker, tells you his story in a new chapter book for beginning readers. With easy to read vocabulary targeted to 8-10 years olds, readers will learn about Flash’s training with Christie, how he overcame his fears, and how he realizes the special job he’d been training for all along.
Beginning vocabulary at 4th grade level, for ages 8-10. Includes activity section for educators. Also, we’re working on FREE downloads for classroom activities.
It takes a team of creative and knowledgeable professionals to turn an idea into a physcial book-in-hand. Many thanks to my WordsmithSix writers critique group for keeping me on task.
Thanks to these Contributors who have made the Rescue Animal series possible:
Taz’s Owner/Trainer: Stephanie Nelson Tuey, works as Business Development and Marketing for Sir Speedy, and in her spare time volunteers at several animal rescue shelters located in the Texas Panhandle. She has been riding horses her whole life and loves the challenge of working with rescue horses. TAZ is a registered Hackney from Panhandle Safe Hayven Horse Rescue. He was saved by the Sheriff’s Department and brought to the rescue as a young horse starved and very ill.
Flash’s owner/trainer, Christie Shippy Head, is a horse loving, elementary school music teacher who has been blessed to raise her family in Texas Panhandle. Over several summers, she worked as the Head Wrangler for the musical drama TEXAS and trained the livestock that became a part of the cast. She has been involved with horses from a young age and loves everything to do with these magnificent creatures. She enjoys playing the piano, sharing her love of music and horses with others, spending time with her family, and traveling with her husband, Steve. Flash came from Dove Creek Horse Rescue in Canyon.
Lacy Johnston, Photographer of book cover and interior photographs of FLASH, works as a professional real estate photographer for Coldwell Banker in Amarillo. She also maintains an extensive client list and enjoys photographing weddings, family events, and spotted horses. In her spare time she loves being outdoors with her husband.
New to the team this past year, Kirsti Kasch, comes on board as my office manager, specializing in social media, graphic design and marketing.
Bookcover design and book formatting for both books made possible due to the creative efforts of